SECTION 09722 WALL FABRICS NOTE ** Carnegie; Xorel and Xorel Two fabrics for wall covering and upholstery. NOTE ** NOTE ** This section is based on products manufactured by Carnegie, located at the following address: NOTE ** Carnegie NOTE ** 110 North Centre Avenue NOTE ** Rockville Centre, NY 11570 NOTE ** Tel: (800) 727-6770 NOTE ** Fax: (516) 678-6848 NOTE ** Introduced in 1981 after seven years of research and testing, Xorel fabrics have revolutionized the interiors of public spaces. They combine performance qualities essential for high traffic areas with the aesthetics of woven textiles. Xorel fabrics are exceptionally stain resistant and can be cleaned easily with a cloth dipped in hot water. They are remarkably durable, acoustically transparent, colorfast, antibacterial, environmentally safe, and meet strict flame retardancy requirements. NOTE ** NOTE ** SECTION 09722 - WALL FABRICS, Copyright 1998, The Architect's Catalog, Inc. PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES NOTE ** Delete items below not required for project. A. Surface preparation of substrate. B. Backed fabric wall covering. C. Fabric wall covering for acoustical panels. D. Adhesives and accessories. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS NOTE ** Delete any sections below not relevant to this project; add others as required. A. Section 09720 - Wall Covering: Vinyl-coated fabric wall covering. B. Section 09800 - Acoustical Treatment: Acoustic panels for fabric wall covering. C. Section 09900 - Paints and Coatings: Prime painting of substrate surfaces. 1.3 REFERENCES NOTE ** Delete references from the list below that are not actually required by the text of the edited section. A. AATCC 16 - Colorfastness to Light; American Association of Textile Chemists & Colorists. B. AATCC 22 - Water Repellency: Spray Test; American Association of Textile Chemists & Colorists. C. AATCC 100 - Assessment of Antibacterial Finishes on Textile Materials; American Association of Textile Chemists & Colorists. D. ASTM C 423 - Standard Test Method for Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method. E. ASTM D 3597 - Standard Performance Specification for Woven Upholstery Fabrics -- Plain, Tufted, or Flocked. F. ASTM E 84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. G. ASTM E 795 - Standard Practices for Mounting Test Specimens During Sound Absorption Tests. H. ASTM G 21 - Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi. I. ASTM G 22 - Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of Plastics to Bacteria. J. NFPA 701 - Standard Methods of Fire Test for Flame- Resistant Textiles and Films; National Fire Protection Association. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's published data on fabric properties, including results of performance testing. C. Selection Samples: Manufacturer's complete collection of swatches for selection of colors and patterns. D. Verification Samples: Samples of each wall fabric selected, not less than 12 inches (300 mm) square. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Not less than five years of documented experience in manufacturing wall fabrics of the types specified. B. Installer Qualifications: Not less than three years of experience in installing wall fabrics of the types specified. C. Mock-Up: Provide mock-up panel at location indicated by the Architect, illustrating finished appearance of fabric wall covering. NOTE ** Delete one of the following two paragraphs. 1. Minimum Dimensions: 9 feet by 12 feet (3 m by 4 m). 2. Minimum Dimensions: ____________________. NOTE ** Delete one of the following two paragraphs. 3. Approved mock-up may remain as part of the Work. 4. Mock-up may not remain as part of the Work. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver wall coverings, adhesives and accessories to project site in sealed, labeled packages and containers, each bearing manufacturer's name and identification of contents. B. Store rolled wall fabrics flat in a dry, covered area with temperature maintained at not less than 60 degrees F (16 degrees C) and humidity at level normal for the space where fabric will be installed. 1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Thermal Conditions: Do not begin installation until three days after spaces to receive wall fabrics have been maintained at minimum temperature of 60 degrees F (16 degrees C) and humidity level normal for the spaces. Maintain these conditions for not less than 48 hours after installation has been completed. B. Ventilation: Provide continuous ventilation of spaces during installation and until volatile compounds from adhesives have fully dissipated. 1.8 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Supply minimum 25 linear feet (8 linear meters) of each color and pattern of wall fabric installed, for Owner's use in maintenance. Package each roll and label by manufacturer name, color and pattern name, and installed locations. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturer: Project design is based on fabrics by Carnegie, located at 110 North Centre Avenue, Rockville Centre, NY 11570. ASD. Tel: (800) 727-6770; Fax: (516) 678-6848. NOTE ** Delete one of the two following paragraphs; coordinate with Division 01 requirements. B. Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01600; include substantiation of product performance. C. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 WALL FABRICS A. Wall Fabrics: Woven from Xorel yarn in both warp and weft; colorfast, stain resistant, and soil resistant. NOTE ** Delete any of the following yarn types not required and make pattern selections, if appropriate, for types retained. If more than one fabric is required for project, attach schedule at end of this section or on the drawings, showing where each type is to be used. NOTE ** NOTE ** Xorel fabrics are now produced in three different types of Xorel yarn: Classic Xorel, Classic Xorel IFR, and Xorel Two. Classic Xorel IFR has been modified to be inherently flame resistant and is used to produce the Meteor 6427 pattern. Xorel Two is a finer yarn than the original, Classic Xorel, and is inherently flame retardant. NOTE ** NOTE ** All Xorel fabrics qualify for use in Class A and Class 1 areas when paperbacked for direct application to walls and when applied unbacked on panel systems or upholstered walls. 1. Yarn Type: Classic Xorel. a. Pattern: Strio 6423. b. Pattern: Nexus 6425. 2. Yarn Type: Classic Xorel IFR. a. Pattern: Meteor 6427. 3. Yarn Type: Xorel Two. a. Pattern: As selected from manufacturer's standards. b. Pattern: __________. 4. For installation on walls, provide fabrics with paper or acrylic backing. NOTE ** Select one of the following two paragraphs for acoustical panels; delete both if no fabric covered acoustical panels are required. 5. For stretching over acoustic panels, provide fabric with no backing. 6. For stretching over acoustic panels, provide fabric with acrylic backing. NOTE ** Select one of the following options and delete the others. 7. Colors: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's standards. 8. Colors: As scheduled. 9. Colors: _____________. B. Fabric Properties: Comply with the following minimum performance levels: NOTE ** Flame Retardancy: For direct application of paperbacked fabric on walls, Xorel fabrics qualify for use in Class A and Class 1 areas with maximum flame spread rating of 10 and maximum smoke development rating of 45 as determined by ASTM E 84. NOTE ** NOTE ** Unbacked Xorel fabrics pass all of the following vertical flame retardancy tests: NOTE ** NFPA 701. NOTE ** New York City 294-40 S.R. NOTE ** California Title 19 NOTE ** Federal Aviation Administration 25.863(b) NOTE ** Boston FD 1X-1. NOTE ** International Maritime Organization Resolution A 653 (16). 1. Vertical flame retardancy: Pass NFPA 701. NOTE ** Delete paragraph above if not relevant to project. 2. Flame spread rating: 10 maximum, per ASTM E 84. 3. Smoke development rating: 45 maximum, per ASTM E 84. 4. Toxicity Under Fire Conditions: No more toxic than wood under University of Pittsburgh Method. a. Approved by Materials and Acceptance Division of New York City Department of Buildings. 5. Offgassing: Emissions raise no significant indoor air quality concern, as tested by Berkley Analytical Associates. NOTE ** NRC of acoustical panels increases only 0.05 when covered with Nexus 6425 and Xorel Two fabrics. 6. Acoustical transparency: Maximum decrease in NRC of 0.10, for acoustical panels, per ASTM C 423, when mounted in accordance with ASTM E 795. 7. Durability: No wear after 1,000,000 double rubs with cotton duck abrader, per ASTM D 3597. 8. Colorfastness: No less than Grade 4 after 200 hours, per AATCC 16, Option A. 9. Water repellency: 100 percent water repellent, per AATCC 22. 10. Fungus resistance: No growth after 28 days, per ASTM G 21. 11. Bacteria resistance: No apparent growth after 28 days, per ASTM G 22. 12. Staphylococcus Aureus Resistance: Does not support the growth of staphylococcus aureus, per AATCC 100. 13. Bacterial Strike-Through: Retards passage of bacterial cells through fabric and is resistant to water permeability. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Primer: Mildew resistant type recommended by fabric manufacturer for substrate to receive wall fabric covering. B. Adhesive: Mildew resistant vinyl adhesive recommended by fabric manufacturer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that substrates are ready to begin work of this section. 1. Test moisture content of masonry, concrete, and plaster walls to verify maximum of 5 percent. 2. Verify that no loose or flaky paint, stains that might bleed through wall fabric, or mildew are present. B. Do not begin work of this section until unsatisfactory substrate conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Fill cracks or holes over 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) and sand smooth. B. Prime substrate as recommended by wall fabric manufacturer. C. Remove electrical plates, hardware, light fixture trim, and similar appurtenances prior to beginning installation. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Adhesive Installation: Apply adhesive and wall fabric in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Do not thin adhesive with chemical solvent. Apply adhesive to paper backing and not to wall surfaces. Roll drops after pasting instead of folding. B. Direct Wall Application: 1. Razor trim edges on flat surface. Do not razor cut on gypsum board substrate. 2. Do not paste more than two drops at a time. 3. Do not let glue set up for more than five minutes. 4. Cut and hang drops consecutively, including pieces over windows and doors. 5. Do not use seam roller of any type at seams or edges; smooth seams with plastic scraper. 6. Horizontal seams are not acceptable. 7. Do not seam within 2 inches (50 mm) of internal and external corners. 8. Remove excess adhesive from seam while wet, using slightly damp sponge and clean, hot water. Dry immediately with clean terry towel. C. Stretched Installation: Over acoustical panels, install fabric in accordance with panel manufacturer's instructions. 1. Provide seam allowances of at least 1/2 inch (13 mm). 2. Top stitch seams for additional strength. 3.4 ADJUSTING, CLEANING, AND PROTECTION A. Clean wall coverings of excess adhesive, dust, and dirt. B. Reinstall electrical plates, hardware, light fixture trim, and similar appurtenances. C. Do not permit construction activities in areas where wall fabric installation has been completed. NOTE ** Schedule for wall fabrics would normally be included in finish schedule on the drawings. An alternative location for wall fabric schedule is at the end of this section. Delete the following article heading if schedule is not required here. 3.5 SCHEDULE NOTE ** If more than one fabric is required, copy the following paragraph and subparagraphs as many times as necessary, and insert manufacturer's pattern and color names. A. Fabric Type _____: 1. Pattern No.: _____________. 2. Color: _____________. 3. Locations: _______________. END OF SECTION